Lifestyle adjustments and self-care prevent stroke.

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Symptoms that indicate a possible ruptured blood vessel in the brain are acute and similar to those of an ischemic stroke. The patient or witnesses (in cases where the patient is unconscious) are usually able to describe what the patient was doing when the symptoms occurred.

Cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral thrombosis can be caused by many factors. The main cause is the deterioration of blood vessels in the brain from various causes. In addition to causing the blood vessels to rupture, the deteriorated blood vessels may narrow or become blocked, causing the brain to lack blood nourishment. As a result, there is insufficient oxygen to the brain ufabet If the brain lacks oxygen for a long period of time, it will cause brain cells to die and may lead to paralysis, hemiplegia, or death.

However, the immediate symptoms of a ruptured blood vessel in the brain may vary depending on the location and size of the blood clot that has broken out from the blood vessel in the brain. These warning signs are symptoms that often occur in patients with this disease, such as:

  • Numbness or weakness in the face, arms, or legs, usually on one side of the body only, left or right side of the body, confusion, slurred speech, or not understanding what others say.
  • Vision problems may occur in one or both eyes.
  • Exercise regularly : Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lowers blood pressure. Exercising at least 30 minutes a day can help reduce your risk of a stroke.
  • Severe headache, especially one with the most intense pain the patient has ever experienced in their life. The onset is sudden and has no apparent preceding cause.
  • Problems with walking, balance , or coordination of body parts
  • Unusual dizziness, nausea , or vomiting

Since high blood pressure is the main cause of strokes, it may be prevented by lowering blood pressure in the following ways:

  • Avoid eating foods that may increase blood pressure after eating, such as foods rich in saturated fat, such as fried foods, cakes, cheese, bacon, or fatty meats.
  • Avoid drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages.
  • Control your weight because obesity is one factor that causes high blood pressure. If you already have high blood pressure, obesity will make it even higher.
  • Quit smoking and stop using drugs.