Paralysis is the loss of some or all of the body’s ability to move, due to the inability of the nerves to send signals to the muscles to move normally. It can be cause by a number of things, such as a stroke, head or spinal cord injury. Treatment for paralysis focuses on supportive care to help the body recover as much as possible and physical therapy.
The causes of paralysis are usually due to:
- Spinal cord diseases such as spinal fractures, spinal dislocations, spinal or spinal cord infections, spinal or spinal cord tumors
- Diseases related to the brain, such as cerebral thrombosis causing lack of blood flow to the brain, cerebral hemorrhage, ทางเข้า ufabet, brain cancer, or cerebral blood vessel rupture from high blood pressure or a brain aneurysm.
Paralysis is a symptom cause by problems with the nervous system. Which is the body’s control and communication system that sends signals from the brain to various parts of the body. When nerves are damag. They are unable to send signals to the muscles and force the muscles in that part to move. As a result, a part of the body cannot move normally.
The most important symptoms to be aware of and to observe regularly are as follows:
- Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body.
- Sudden vision problems, blurred vision, or double vision in one or both eyes.
- Suddenly feel dizzy, lightheaded, unable to walk, having difficulty walking, walking unsteadily, or losing balance while standing and walking.
- Sudden difficulty speaking, inability to speak, unclear speech, or inability to understand speech.
- Sudden, severe headache of unknown cause
Hemiplegia is a group of muscle weakness symptoms that differ in that a person with hemiplegia can still move parts of their body and still be able to use the muscles in that part, along with having pain or
numbness, and may be cure. However, the ability to recover and the duration of treatment will depend on the physical condition, the speed of treatment, and the continuity of physical therapy. On the other hand, paralysis makes the patient unable to move parts of their body at all, which is more severe than hemiplegia.